Thanks to Karl Egenberger of Envision Design/ Plum Creative Associates, Towson, Md 21286, who did the fantastic artwork. And Coyote Organics who supplied the contest prize.

The above version will fit on a sidebar.It is 150 by 79 pixels.
Here is a larger version 250 by 131 pixels:

Here is even larger version.
Once you find an image you like (here is an alternate one) save it to your computer with a right click and save image as to some place convenient on your computer. Then send it to one of the photo sharing services. I like photobucket. Note the url where you saved your image.
Then use this code with the pixels adjusted accordingly:
<center><a href="">< img style="width: 250px; height: 131px;" src="url where you saved your image" alt="I Support Democracy In Iraq" VSPACE="6" /></a></center>
For those who wish to join the campaign leave me a comment here. I'll add you to my blog roll and put your url up on the front of this page.
the vail spot
Dumb Looks Still Free
Coyote Organics
DCS Security
Socrates' Academy
Little Miss Chatterbox
The Astute Bloggers
Will try my best to figure out how to post the banner on my blog but have to admit I'm not the most web savy person so if it takes me awhile to figure it out I apologize. I'm heading back to Iraq in a couple of weeks, so I definitely support Democracy in Iraq!!!
Add me to your blogroll
I'll add the bug to my blog, too. Very cool.
Patience YA,
There is only so much we can do at once.
Unless you have a plan.
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